Cleanse Me Mildly

Every morning and night you should be washing you face with a mild cleanser.

The point of a mild cleanser is to remove the dirt, grime, dust, and makeup. It also takes away excess oil and the dead skin cells that have accumulated over time. Unlike harsh soaps, a mild cleanser will preserve some of the skin's layer of oil. This prevents your skin from drying out and becoming vulnerable to irritants.

At one point nothing felt like it was working consistently for me. After searching and researching, someone with great skin recommended Cetaphil, and I haven’t used anything else ever since. Cetaphil is dermatologist tested and I love how light it is yet it gets all the way down to get the dirt.

I personally use the Derma Control: Oil Control Foam Wash for acne- prone skin. It's a calming formula so it doesn’t dry out the skin and since I’ve been using it, it has controlled my breakouts, because it removes excess oil and control shine.

I highly recommend using Cetaphil as a mild cleanser. Which mild cleanser works for you?

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