
Showing posts from April, 2017

Cucumber+Tomato Mask

Both cucumber and tomato are natural astringents which help tighten large pores. They are also both rich in antioxidants and moisture, which will nourish and water skin. Cleanse face Gather 1/2 ripe tomato Gather 1/4 cucumber Wash and peel cucumber and blend it to a fine pulp with the tomato. Apply the mixture to your skin in a gentle circular motion. Let it sit for 15 minutes. Rinse with cold water. Pat dry Notes: This is a great rejuvenating mask that leaves your skin feeling refreshed and hydrated. Excess face mask mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days. However, because these are natural ingredients just throw it away if it starts smelling bad.

Tomato To Remove Acne Scars

A tomato is one of the best home remedy for removing acne scars especially for oily skin because they are filled with vitamins and antioxidants that are great for your skin. How the tomato reduces acne scars is through its ability to promote cell regeneration which is the growth of new skin cells. Vitamin A, which is found in abundance in tomatoes, reduces sebum on the skin, which is the substance that causes the pores to clog in the first place. Tomatoes also have several antioxidants that help to rejuvenate skin, and is considered very effective in shrinking large pores on acne prone skin. Tomatoes can reduce redness caused by acne and can also help to dry out problem areas and reduce blemishes How To Apply: Using a tomato to combat acne scars can be as simple as slicing up a tomato and placing it over the scarred area daily. Tomato face masks treats all the skin problems related to oily and greasy skin. Tomatoes also may be eaten, of course, to promote skin healt

Spot Treatment For Pimples

This spot treatment works best when it’s made as fresh as possible, so make small batches. Cleanse face Gather ½  clove fresh garlic crushed and finely mashed Gather ½ teaspoon jojoba oil Gather 1-2 drops of tea tree oil Take half a garlic clove and chop finely or mash it really well with the back of a spoon (or mortar and pestle) Add ½ teaspoon jojoba oil to the garlic then add 1-2 drops tea tree oil and mix well. Apply to any acne spots or pimples with a clean finger or Q-tip. Notes: This is a great remedy for acne bumps, spots, or pimples. Be sure not to substitute another oil in place of jojoba as some oils can clog your pores, defeating the purpose of the treatment. Don’t be afraid to leave pieces of garlic on pimples to let it work its magic. Leave the spot treatment on overnight and then wash off in the morning. The smell of garlic can be strong for some but I love garlic so the smell didn’t bother me. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerat

Tea Tree Oil For Acne Pimples

I n order to think about healing your acne scars, you must first cure your acne. One of the worst things is feeling the presence of an acne bump underneath the skin just waiting to make its appearance onto your skin. Well, if you want a natural way to cure acne, than tea tree oil is your new best friend. Tea tree oil is an effective natural treatment for people who are fighting the signs of acne on their skin. Tea tree oil is made naturally from the Melaleuca alternifolia plant and while it’s not safe for consumption, it’s perfectly safe to use on the skin and is non-carcinogenic. Possessing antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antifungal properties, tea tree oil will kill the bacteria living in your skin, help to heal your pimples so your skin returns to a healthy condition, and help to prevent future outbreaks. Besides having disinfectant properties, tea tree oil can also have soothing properties, which is essential when your skin has the burning and itching of an acne fla

Soothing Mask

Cucumber+Aloe+Tea Tree Oil Cucumber seeds themselves are rich in potassium and vitamin E which help reduce blemishes. Cleanse face Gather one leaf of aloe Gather 2 drops Tea tree oil Gather one cucumber smashed or cucumber juice Mix ingredients together well Apply mixture and leave on for 10-15 mins. Rinse off with water and moisturize Notes: This is a great clarifying mask. The cucumber and aloe feels refreshing and  will soothe inflamed skin while  tightening your pores. The tea tree oil tingles on your face, killing bacteria underneath the skin. After this mask your face will definitely feel clear and soft.

Cucumber For Clear Skin

Cucumber is one of the top home remedies that can treat inflammation caused by acne and acne scars. Containing many essential vitamins like A, C and E and minerals to reserve the skin, cucumber has a natural calming and cooling effect while also removing dirt, dead skin cells, bacteria, left over makeup, and oil on the skin. The astringent property of cucumber helps to cure acne and lightens the appearance of acne by reducing redness, pain, and scars. Cucumber has about 90% of water content that helps to keep the skin well moisturized and hydrated. Cucumber also tightens the skin pores which in turn leave them smaller and less likely to get clogged. How To Apply: Cucumber juice can be ingested, applied topically or used in both manners to help treat and prevent acne breakouts. Cucumber acts as a natural cleanser, moisturizer and skin toner. A fresh slice of cucumber can rid you of acne scars and pimples spots. Gently rub a cucumber piece on your skin and wash off